All licensees should ensure that they live up to professional standards of excellence by making a commitment to lifelong learning and participating in continuing medical education (CME) activities.  Board rules require physicians and assistants to physicians to obtain certain CME credits for license renewal.

What are AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™?
Credit for programs designated to confer AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ sponsored or conducted by entities accredited by the Medical Association of the State of Alabama or by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to sponsor or conduct Continuing Medical Education Programs that confer AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™.

Physician - Continuing Medical Education Requirements
The CME requirement for physicians is twenty-five (25) AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™, AOA Category 1-A credits or equivalent annually (calendar year).  
Credits must be earned January 1 - December 31 of each year. 
Licensees are responsible for being familiar with and reading the Board rules Chapter 540-X-14 located here:
Alabama Controlled Substances Certificate (ACSC) holders (MD/DO) must receive two (2) AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ or equivalent every two years in the areas of:
Controlled substance prescribing practices,
Recognizing signs of the abuse or misuse of controlled substances, or
Controlled substance prescribing for chronic pain management.
Any program in these areas is acceptable to meet the CME credits required of all ACSC holders every two years.  You do not need to obtain pre-approval of the courses you choose. 
Physician Assistant - Continuing Medical Education Requirements
Effective January 1, 2025, every two calendar years, each physician assistant licensed by the Board must earn not less than fifty (50) hours of AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ or the equivalent as defined in this rule of continuing medical education as a condition precedent to receiving his or her annual renewal of license, unless he or she is exempt from the minimum continuing medical education requirement.  

Anesthesiologist Assistant - Continuing Medical Education Requirements
Effective January 1, 2025, every two calendar years, each anesthesiologist assistant licensed by the Board must earn not less than fifty (50) hours of AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ or the equivalent as defined in this rule of continuing medical education as a condition precedent to receiving his or her annual renewal of license, unless he or she is exempt from the minimum continuing medical education requirement. 
Qualified Alabama Controlled Substances Certificate (QACSC) - Initial
Submit proof of successful completion of a course or courses (AMA PRA Category 1™) approved by the Board which includes eight (8) hours of instruction regarding the prescribing of controlled substances and four (4) hours of advanced pharmacology and prescribing trends relating to controlled substances within one (1) year preceding the filing of an application for a QACSC.

Qualified Alabama Controlled Substance Certificate (QACSC) - Renewal
As a requirement for renewing a QACSC, a CRNP, CNM or PA shall obtain, every two years, four (4) AMA PRA Category 1 credits™ or equivalent through a Board approved course or courses regarding the prescribing of controlled substances.  For more information regarding Board-approved courses, please visit:

For additional information regarding Continuing Medical Education requirements, please visit: